In the early 80's we experienced an economic recession similar to what we are experienceing now. The closing of International Harvestar and Firestone affected our family as well as our closest friends, but to a kid we never knew the difference. What we did know, however, is that it was winter and from January to April we all prayed for the possibilities of snow. The simplest whisper of the word would have every child's eyes glued to Dave Brown's forecast. The very idea of getting out of school to spend a day of play in a winter wonderland was enough to drive a kid mad.
One particular winter the rumors proved to be true. There was a front coming out of the West with a small chance of early morning flurries. The always pesimisic Dave Brown with his "no accumilation" speech lingered in our heads that night as we went to bed. What we woke up to, on the other hand, was that of a blanket of snow. I ran into the living room as the list of school closings were being read off. Mason County schools closed, Memphis City schools closed.....My lesson in alphabetical order was paying off because I knew that are county was coming up, and finally, "Shelby County schools closed." A rush of excitement and adventure filled my mind as I hurried to get dress for my snow day.
Given the layoffs times were tough, but my family, the Sparks, and the Luhms always stuck together and a snow day was no different. We all gathered what little food we had and met at the Luhm's house on Oakhurst. Out of the three represented familes we cooked up a smorgusborg of Chili, hotdogs, soup, sandwiches, and other snack items. We had our very own recession proof Snow Party. After stuffing our faces we managed to dress ourselves in as many layors of clothing as possible and headed outside. There were six of us kids along with my dad, Mr. Otto, and Mr. Steve. We played football, made snow men, and had snow ball fights. The dads would hook up all of our sleds to Mr. Otto's lawn mower and pull us around the yard like a train while trying to shake us off. Oakhurst Rd. is famous for its hills which made for some perfect down hill sledding. All in all we did a pretty good job of unmasking that white powder and revealing the ground below.
Finally we would all make our way back inside, peel off the mounds of wet clothing, endulge in some oh so perfect hot chocolate, and reminence on the fun we'd just had.
Looking back what made that day so special wasn't the fact that it snowed. We could've easily stayed at home and done our own thing. It wasn't just another day off from school. What made this day so special was that regardless of the situation my parents and their friends were in, they wanted us kids to enjoy the magic of a snow day just as they once did. They wanted to celebrate this day of hope in a time of the unknown. I am so thankful that our parents saw hope instead of despair, and as an outcome we experienced another outstanding childhood memory.
-Steve Childress
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
FBC Millington
I have been very blessed to be born into a family that took my brother and I to church consistantly. I have been a member of First Baptist Church Millington for 30 years now. I often tell people that I was born on a Thursday and in my momma's arms at FBC that next Sunday. Needless to say FBC has played a major part in my life.
First Baptist Church Millington has always been a pillar in the Millington community. During the Naval days the church openned its doors to the young men, women, and their families and provided a temporary church home for them until their leave was called. I am not sure why my parents chose FBC Millington prior to my birth but I am convinced they made a wise choice.
I accedpted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at age 6 as my mom led me to the Lord. Bro. Paul, children's mininster at that time, helped nourish this new salvation all through out my elementary school days in children's church. My love for Christ really didn't flourish until I first entered into the Youth group at age 12. My 7th grade year was the first year for our new music minister Bro. Rusty Eason. I started singing in the youth choir and immediately took a love for music. Bro. Rusty and I really developed a relationship there because we were both starting in unfamiliar waters at the same time and he and I developed a lasting friendship. Bro. Rusty is extremely talented and can play practically every instrument. He encouraged me to start playing guitar and so I did. Around my freshmen year of high school I started leading praise and worship for the FBC Youth group and really felt God leading more into a music ministry role.
First Baptist Church gave me a great foundation in music by being plugged into the choirs and occasional solos. I was mentored by many great people in the church as well as many great teachers. Through music I was able to land scholarships to the University of Memphis in Vocal Performace as well as continued to stay involved in FBC's College and Career. I led the prasie and worship in College and Career and continued to play anywhere and everywhere that would have me. There in College and Career I met, dated, and married my wife. We were married in June of 2002
at First Baptist.
We continued to be plugged into the music ministry as well as various other leadership ministries at FBC. Five years later we were blessed with our first born. She was dedicated at FBC in the Spring of 2007. Its funny to know that some of the same people who now have my daugter in the nursery cared for me when I was in the nursery many years ago.
Throughout all of these experiences at First Baptist there was my pastor Bro. Ray Newcomb. Brother Ray dedicated me as a baby when I was born, baptized me at age 6, baptized my wife, married my wife and me, and dedicated our daughter not to long ago. Bro. Ray had been my only pastor for 30 years up until his retirement in May of 2009. He is a truly remarkable man of God and this community has been blessed to have him.
Pastor David Leavell was voted in to be the new senior pastor this past fall. I have had several oppertunities to sit down and talk with Pastor David and I am extremely excited to see God work through this man. He has a heart for the Lord, he believes the bible is God's true word, and he has a great plan for First Baptist and the North Shelby, South Tipton communities.
God has truly blessed this church as well as my upbringing in the church. If you are new to the community, or have lived here your entire life and looking for a church home I highly recommend First Baptist Church. I am so thankful that part of God's plan for my life was to be cemented into a church like First Baptist Millington.
-Steve Childress
First Baptist Church Millington has always been a pillar in the Millington community. During the Naval days the church openned its doors to the young men, women, and their families and provided a temporary church home for them until their leave was called. I am not sure why my parents chose FBC Millington prior to my birth but I am convinced they made a wise choice.
I accedpted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at age 6 as my mom led me to the Lord. Bro. Paul, children's mininster at that time, helped nourish this new salvation all through out my elementary school days in children's church. My love for Christ really didn't flourish until I first entered into the Youth group at age 12. My 7th grade year was the first year for our new music minister Bro. Rusty Eason. I started singing in the youth choir and immediately took a love for music. Bro. Rusty and I really developed a relationship there because we were both starting in unfamiliar waters at the same time and he and I developed a lasting friendship. Bro. Rusty is extremely talented and can play practically every instrument. He encouraged me to start playing guitar and so I did. Around my freshmen year of high school I started leading praise and worship for the FBC Youth group and really felt God leading more into a music ministry role.
First Baptist Church gave me a great foundation in music by being plugged into the choirs and occasional solos. I was mentored by many great people in the church as well as many great teachers. Through music I was able to land scholarships to the University of Memphis in Vocal Performace as well as continued to stay involved in FBC's College and Career. I led the prasie and worship in College and Career and continued to play anywhere and everywhere that would have me. There in College and Career I met, dated, and married my wife. We were married in June of 2002
at First Baptist.
We continued to be plugged into the music ministry as well as various other leadership ministries at FBC. Five years later we were blessed with our first born. She was dedicated at FBC in the Spring of 2007. Its funny to know that some of the same people who now have my daugter in the nursery cared for me when I was in the nursery many years ago.
Throughout all of these experiences at First Baptist there was my pastor Bro. Ray Newcomb. Brother Ray dedicated me as a baby when I was born, baptized me at age 6, baptized my wife, married my wife and me, and dedicated our daughter not to long ago. Bro. Ray had been my only pastor for 30 years up until his retirement in May of 2009. He is a truly remarkable man of God and this community has been blessed to have him.
Pastor David Leavell was voted in to be the new senior pastor this past fall. I have had several oppertunities to sit down and talk with Pastor David and I am extremely excited to see God work through this man. He has a heart for the Lord, he believes the bible is God's true word, and he has a great plan for First Baptist and the North Shelby, South Tipton communities.
God has truly blessed this church as well as my upbringing in the church. If you are new to the community, or have lived here your entire life and looking for a church home I highly recommend First Baptist Church. I am so thankful that part of God's plan for my life was to be cemented into a church like First Baptist Millington.
-Steve Childress
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