Friday, October 23, 2009

Christmas is in the Heart

I have the privilege to represent my company in the various civic and community organizations here in Millington, South Tipton, and Covington. This time of year I'm asked to perform a few of my favorite Christmas songs for meetings and there is one that I always go to because it means the most to me. One of my favorite artist, Steven Curtis Chapman, wrote a song called "Christmas is all in the Heart". This particular song reminds me so much of my Christmas' past and present.

My mom and dad were like most young couples when they first were married, they didn't have much. I've seen the 8mm footage of their first Christmas in their tiny apartment. There was that awful aluminum tree and just a few presents. Regardless of the decorations they had each other and enough dreams and aspirations to fill the room. (Verse 1) In a one bedroom apartment, on the humble side of town, stands a little Christmas tree. It looks a lot like Charlie Brown's. Underneath there's one little gift for him and one little gift for her. After six months on the new job, they're still barely getting by. In the way of decorations there's nothing there to catch the eye. Both of them would be the first to say, "We're together, and we're going to have the Merriest Christmas anyway".

My brother and I were your typical boys. Up before dawn waiting to see what Santa had brought us while we slept. I have photos of the two of us ripping into presents in our long johns while mom and dad sat back barely awake sipping their coffee. We didn't have much money but mom and dad always made sacrifices to make sure Will and I had a wonderful Christmas. Now that I am a dad, I have that utmost privilege of seeing my blond headed 2yr old and the magic and experiences Christmas has to offer to her. This is more important to me than any present. (Verse 2) Two little blond haired boys with big dreams, tried to sleep but sleep wouldn't come. We'd be tearing into presents long before the break of dawn. Mom and dad and cameras making sure we'd never forget that day. Now I'm the one who's taking pictures in the middle of the night. Of my own blond headed dreamer who just couldn't wait until daylight. In my sleepy eyes the spark still glows. I guess there's just some things a kid never out grows.

The last verse of the song summarizes the main focus of what Christmas is all about. God Came and dwelt among us. That God sent His only son that he might die so that we could have ever lasting life. Jesus is the true meaning of Christmas and encompasses every being of who I am. (Verse 3) Its not in the snow that may or may not fall. Its not in the gifts around the tree. Its in the love heaven gave, the night our savior came. That same love can still be found wherever you are, because Christmas is all in the Heart.

Merry Christmas,
-Steve Childress

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